Linda Claridge |
Monday, 17 January 2011 13:11 |
Linda Claridge is one of Australia's leading cave diving instructors. Together with her cave diving instructor partner, Gary Barclay, they have trained and certified more cave divers in the country than any other instructor. Linda began cave diving in the early 1990s, and after working her way through the training levels, she obtained her cave diving instructor status in 1998. In addition to teaching, Linda has served in a number of voluntary roles within the Cave Divers Association of Australia.
In this interview, Jill Heinerth, one of the world's leading technical divers, and Lorraine Hardman, female Australian cave diving instructor, discuss with Linda the role women play in cave and technical diving in Australia, decompression sickness, and women's diving "issues". If you are interested in training with Linda, her contact details are located on the instructor listing. Podcast courtesy of Jill Heinerth and